Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Guard your money...

Though time for working class to ensure that jobs are secure and not at the receiving end of pink slips, Investment is still vital to ensure that we safeguard our money. Don't press the panic button and stop all investments. Analyse and then proceed. 

Most of us would be using many investment products like Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), Insurance, Mutual Funds, Equity, and Deposits etc. Where Deposits and Bank savings are secure, one has to rethink about exposure to equity. 

Here is one way to go about it. Don't stop all your investments in SIP, Equity and stocks. Check your portfolio returns, go ahead and continue SIP in the mutual fund which has depreciated the least. Stop the other SIP till the time market stabilizes. As for Insurance (Unit Linked Insurance Plan),  still a safe bet,  try and change the allocations of further investment to debt fund so that the capital is safe to an extent. 

If Liquid cash not required for long time go ahead and move it to fixed deposits for a year and above as the interest rates are expected to fall to induce growth as of now the rates are higher (anywhere between 9%-11%). Analyse all other variables and factors which may affect in future before making any decision..

Markets are expected to be volatile for coming months...

Guard your money......